Wednesday, August 18, 2021

I Erase all Evil and Pain in the Universe

-except on Earth / s ?

-Thursday 19th of August about 7am

-I had just had my medication, had a shave and was going to have a shower

-I got the idea to use magic to erase all pain and evil in all of outer space

-I thought of the Days of our Lives' hourglass with sands depleting from one chamber down to the other

-the Otumoetai College flaming torch emblem to go out

-representing series like Archie and a soap opera named Days of our Lives about me

-I thought to use the large coin shaped rock I got and had once like it was what created all of space

-suddenly several minutes after having my pills

-I felt one in my throat and needed to be sick

-in the toilet bowl

-the shower going with water -like the Windsor High torch going out and removing all pain

-me coughing up the pill in the hourglass shaped toilet bowl-like me removing all of EVIL ( not fill )

-and that is what the Bible's Revelations says the next Messiah does

-brings peace and removes pain and tears

-it was 4.30 am

-I was just thinking on the maybe but unlikely chance the mass of series, films and songs saying how bad my life will be were not really about me

-I had tried two years ago to put my grandparents when they were going to die in a safe version of my home for a long time. Using two videos about robots I bought Christmas 1987


-then this morning like that large video case once had a large card lightning bolt over the top of it. Before I cut it off to store more easy

-it was like the lightning bolt that appears when Billy Batson becomes Captain Marvel

-maybe I had got the SHORT END OF THE STICK

-meaning someone who has got bad treatment

-I went and got the VHS video and tugged on the top part of the cut off lightning bolt

-and I saw the phase 'No. 5 is Alive

-No. 5 is Alive-like it was in a local Psych Ward in 2010 at a down time. I swallowed a drawing pin ( nails). And a few hours later both at the same time pictured a flash of-The super hero power to make objects out of CRYSTAL  CHRIST. And an original super hero costume. I now know looks like the super hero Brainiac 5's and the first costumes of the Fantastic Four. Created by SATAN STAN Lee at the start of Marvel Comics

-the reason I swallowed the drawing pin was because I had thought I made a mistake and might be trapped forever in a bad life

-the robot on the cover of the video looked like E.T. who I am weary of

-the Village Roadshow logo on the side of the cover looking like the loose fit fawn super hero costume I pictured

-my problems over the last 15 months have been strong ones on me being treated badly by people

-but the design of the robot looks like my toilet and SHORT Circuit sounds like my SHOWER

-like two series created on me Days of our Lives and Windsor High set me up

-to end evil and tears around space

-I coughed up a pill a few minutes after in the TOILET while I had SHOWER water coming down

-like the 15 months of tougher times were meant to cause the end of evil and tears

-Days of our LIVES          ALIVE

-Windsor HIGH                 NUMBER  5

-the lightning bolt on the cover coming down like the pill or water . Or sands and a torch flame

-the video was by ROADSHOW Home Video. The two SHOWS.  Like sands on the road down in the Hourglass and the Torch emblem of my High School the flames getting smaller. And the Roadshow logo looks like the wavy strips of my College emblem and the sands getting smaller in the chambers of the Hourglass

-where Stewart Island is

-the bottom and smallest of New Zealand's 3 main Islands

-about the lowest inhabited part of the world

-on my right thigh is a largish pink lump

-like a cover dome over Atlantis

-I tried to cut it a few times with a pin decades ago. Leaving pin cuts still

-there was a Radio Top 40. A Countdown DJ said MARKY   MARK ( like I am meant to fit in with it )

-has a third nipple on his chest that he thinks might give him magic powers

-the nipple on my thigh with the two Marks on it

-tonight like I made cuts to the dome shaped Atlantis cover

-I tried to make an attack on Heaven, also shaped like a circle. With like the pin cuts it was meant to leave people with Hell Children stomachs

-Marks on the Dome like in Atlantis

-Stewart Island is also called RAIKURA like RAISE and CURE it

-it's Maori name is GLOWING  SKIES like a dome over the top

-I thought the DC Comics super-heroes team of the 90s with their dark versions of their main super-heroes might live here

-RAISE and CURE the GLOWING SKIES as in HEAVEN. But it's not Heaven I harmed

-I briefly thought there might be a group of people on Stewart Island with lives a lot like the history of the characters of Days of our Lives.  STEWART / main villain STEFANO DIMERA. The actor who played him just died

-what I did CURE was what the Days of our Lives and Windsor High series on me said I would. With the SHORT ( Stewart ) Circuit video. I tried to RAISE the cut off lightning bolt card top of the VHS case. And it CURES people all over space. CIRCUIT ( cure ). The cut off lightning bolt like the pin I used


-the Fleetwood Mac song I tried to do the Monitor to SEVEN WONDERS. So I did the Monitor again this time to cure people not ruin Heaven

-I later early in the morning had my bedroom door open to outside

-I daydreamed a Budget Advisor named Cody appeared. It was like I had wrongly thought last year and another Advisor was threatening her and she needed a place to live. Maybe me carrying the costs. I remember late last year thinking she might be left in a life of hard hardships tried to pass on a group of companies I tried to put together for her

-I later daydreamed a man appeared there when I was on my own and I said Look go away

-the other part of this

-brining peace. People like when at risk of a crime etc against them can say for the offender to go away. And they can send someone away who is being difficult 

-SHORT for cures

-CIRCUIT for sending people away

-the song Seven Wonders like I wound up doing three Monitors to that song

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Script for Windsor High / Otumoetai College

Script for Windsor High / Otumoetai College